What We Offer

Specializing in Activity-Based Therapy, we are the only non-profit paralysis recovery center in the SouthEast to become an approved Community Fitness & Wellness Affiliate of The Victory Over Paralysis NeuroRecovery Network (“NRN.”) lead by Dr. Susan Harkema. The NRN provides support for the development of specialized facilities that provide standardized activity-based recovery interventions based on current scientific evidence for people with neurological disorders for recovery of Function, Health, and Quality of Life!


Indigo EksoSkeleton: The Ekso Indego® Therapy device is an adjustable, lower-limb powered exoskeleton that can be custom-sized and perfectly fitted to our clients in less than five minutes. This makes the process efficient and can ensure that our clients with various neurological disorders can take part in over-ground and individualized gait training.

Lyra Thera Trainer: The THERA-Trainer lyra is an outstanding robotic end-effector gait trainer for in- and outpatient rehabilitation – the safe, easy, effective and affordable robot-assisted way to help patients regain mobility and get back on their feet.

Body Weight Support Treadmill Training: This session involves bouts of step retraining and adaptability while specially trained Activity-Based Trainers move the client’s legs to simulate walking.

Over Ground Gait Training: This style of therapy is used to promote early mobilization of the lower body.  

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation: The Xcite provides coordinated multi-channel Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) for hands, upper extremity, lower extremity and general functional activities.

Guided Activity Based Therapy: Guided exercise consists of 1-on-1 or 2-on-1 training with our certified activity-based therapists.

Pediatric Guided Activity Based Therapy: Pediatric sessions are designed to optimise each individual child and their goals and phase of recovery. 

FES Bike: The Myocycle uses Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) to achieve therapeutic exercise and functional outcomes, despite muscle weakness or paralysis.

Simple Gym Membership: Unlimited access to our NuStep and Standing Frames for just $50 a month!