Welcome to our Resource Page
Our team at NextStep Orlando has worked on a simplified list of resources that may be helpful to those individuals living with paralysis. We hope this helps to make some of your research more accessible and not as daunting. Please feel free to reach out to our team if you have any questions!
1. Paralysis Resources
- NRN Paralysis Resource Guide PDF
- Nutrition Guidelines Book PDF
- Ask Nurse Linda: https://www.christopherreeve.org/events/ask-nurse-linda
- Spinalcord.com: https://www.spinalcord.com/
-CareGiver’s Rescue website: https://www.ifrcsociety.org/resources/csil-employer-toolkit
- Treatments & Education: https://pacificmedicalacls.com/spinal-cord-injuries
2. Recommended Equipment
- Standing frame: There are many well-known benefits to why individuals living with paralysis should partake in an at home standing program.
Regular standing has been shown to decrease urinary calculi, decrease bone demineralization, decrease spasticity, increase pressure relief, and increase morale and quality of life, to name only a few of the benefit. https://easystand.com/
- Myocycle: The MyoCycle Home is FDA cleared to prevent muscle atrophy, reduce spasms, increase blood flow, and increase range of motion. The MyoCycle Home’s advanced automatic calibration system delivers the level of resistance or assistance that is right for you so you get the best workout possible https://myolyn.com/for-home/overview/
3. Grants
- Challenged Athletes Fund: “High costs of adaptive sports equipment and lack of resources should not keep individuals with physical challenges from being active.”
- Push Push Pray Foundation: Dedicated to inspiring hope, empowering and enriching the quality of life of individuals living with Spinal Cord In jury.
- Rise Again: “Rise Again supports individuals with spinal cord injury or illness to believe and reach beyond expectations. Rise Again will also provide grants to professionals and organizations who focus on improving the quality of life of those affected by spinal cord injury or illness.”
- Project 34: “Project 34 assists with the purchasing of medical equipment and assistive devices that may not be otherwise accessible to a patient, as well as provides grants to individuals to afford physical therapy for optimal function. We want to ease the stress that accompanies the financial burden of these necessary materials, so that the patient and their families can focus on living a fulfilling life.”
- Thomas E. Smith Foundation: “is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to better the lives of those affected by and living with spinal cord injury (SCI) and paralysis through financial and emotional support, as well as supporting preventive innovations that decrease the risk of spinal cord injuries.”
- Be Perfect Foundation: “Our mission is to provide direct financial and emotional aid for individuals living with paralysis by providing resources, paying of medical expenses, restoring hope and encouraging personal independence through a non-traditional method of exercise-based therapy.”
- New Hope For Kids: Since 1996, New Hope for Kids has been helping Central Florida children in need. Their purpose is to bring hope, healing and happiness to children and families suffering from grief, loss or life-threatening illnesses!
- We Win: “We Win’s mission is to raise money to help those recovering from neurological injuries afford rehabilitation services.”
- Amy Van Dyken Foundation: “Resources and wheelchairs for Kids.”
- Kelly Brush Foundation: “To inspire and empower people with spinal cord injuries to lead active and engaged lives.”
- Thomas E Smith Foundation: https://thomasesmithfoundation.org/grant-application/
- More Grants here: https://www.spinalcord.com/spinal-cord-injury-grants
4. Medical Supplies
- NuMotion -Erik Kolacinski: erik.kolacinski@numotion.com
- SportAid: https://www.sportaid.com/
-UroStat Healthcare -Brett Burns: https://urostathealthcare.com/
- Donaco Medical Supplies dbergen@donacomedical.com
5. Home Modifications
- Center for Independent Living: Their AccesSolutions program provides a variety of home modifications and specialized equipment to people with disabilities who cannot afford modifications. https://www.cil.org/solutions/accessolutions
- All In Construction: “We are the most experienced renovation loan contractor in the Central Florida area. We have over 30 years of experience and a thriving network with top local lenders, inspectors, consultants, and real estate agents. We are also focused on our veteran and disabled communities to help renovate their homes in a way that works for their needs.” https://allinconstruction.com/
6. Personal Injury Lawyer
- Chubb Law Firm: https://chubbfirm.com