On a recently aired episode of the long time running show Jeopardy, an answer appeared “A Charity named for this actor who was paralyzed in 1995 aims to better the lives of those with spinal cord injuries”. If you’re unfamiliar with Jeopardy, it’a a classic game show with a twist… The answers are given first and the contestants supply the questions. The correct response to the answer in question was of course, The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation!
“Actor, director, and activist are just some of the words used to describe Christopher Reeve. From his first appearance at the Williamstown Theatre Festival at the age of 15, Christopher established a reputation as one of the country’s leading actors.
However, ever since he was paralyzed in an equestrian competition in 1995, Christopher not only put a human face on spinal cord injury, but he motivated neuroscientists around the world to conquer the most complex diseases of the brain and central nervous system.”
In 1999, the American Paralysis Association and Christopher's foundation came together as the Christopher Reeve Foundation, which added Dana's name to its moniker after her untimely death in March 2006.
The Reeve Foundation is dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by funding innovative research, and improving the quality of life for people living with paralysis through grants, information and advocacy. -christophereeve.org
Specializing in Activity-Based Paralysis Recovery, NextStep Orlando is the only non-profit paralysis recovery center in the SouthEast to become an approved Community Fitness & Wellness Affiliate of the NeuroRecovery Network, supported by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation!